“Why is suicide prevention so important?” you may ask.
Youth suicide prevention can save lives!
How can a Suicide prevention charity be part of the fight against suicide?
Learn how a girl named Lisa fought against suicidal ideation and won more than just her life back.
How to talk about mental health
The most important thing to remember when dealing with mental health is to show compassion and empathy.
Show the person you are there to help.
Do not show signs of shock, disgust, or any other negative feelings or thoughts — appearing calm, confident, and compassionate will reassure the person that you care and can help them.
Ask them questions, without judgment.
Good things to ask include:
- Have you thought of suicide?
- How have the events in your life made you feel?
- What makes you feel better or calmer?
- Do you have anyone you can talk to or lean on for support?
- Have you thought of ways to kill yourself?
Urge them to call or text the National Suicide Hotline at 988.
Guide them to resources like therapists, a suicide prevention charity, or other mental health services.
Never leave a person who is suicidal or having a mental health crisis alone — even to find help.
As the second-leading cause of death in America, suicide has a negative impact on everyone in the community.
Together we can make a difference.
Youth suicide prevention can save lives and eliminate suicide risks.
By educating people about suicide prevention and working with a suicide prevention charity, lives like Lisa’s can be saved.