After putting it in, you can occasionally discover a new Invisalign aligner that needs to fit better. Fortunately, you can modify the fit of your aligners at home using various methods. An effective way to straighten teeth is with Invisalign. People can achieve the perfect smile they desire with the help of clear aligners without having to wear obvious metal braces, which might make them feel self-conscious or uneasy about smiling in public. Here mentioned are the tips for correcting your Invisalign:
Chewies to set your aligners properly:
A fresh set of Invisalign trays frequently feels exceptionally snug. They might appear too small to fit over your teeth in some circumstances. You can use Invisalign chewies for seating your new trays if your old ones aren’t sitting comfortably on your teeth. Your dentist will give you some chewies. Invisalign el Dorado hills are best for the Invisalign treatment.
They have a cotton roll and are made of chewable, soft material. When you put your Invisalign aligners back in your mouth, you can chew them for 3-5 minutes. After chewing for three to five minutes, you can’t notice any gaps between your aligners and your teeth.
Wear the trays every day:
If you wear Invisalign for at least 22 hours daily, it will function best for you. You will finish up back where you started if you manage to get them to fit correctly with the chewies but later need to wear your trays or remember them for an extended period. You can choose the best Invisalign El Dorado Hills for your treatment. Additionally, you will unnecessarily extend your treatment, significantly delaying the appearance of your desired smile.
Consider backtracking for the fit of Invisalign:
Call your dentist and inquire about backtracking to your old aligners if your teeth do not fit into your new Invisalign trays. Your teeth may move into their usual place, and your treatment may resume if you wear your old aligners for an additional week. You shouldn’t carry this out, though, without talking to your dentist.
Ask your dentist for a treatment revision:
You need to speak with your dentist to modify your Invisalign treatment plan and receive some new aligners by using chewies, wearing your aligners correctly, or even going back to a prior set of aligners doesn’t work. Sometimes the trays just won’t fit perfectly no matter what you try. This indicates that your Invisalign treatment plan might need to be altered, so you should schedule a consultation appointment with your dentist immediately.
There is always a chance that your treatment didn’t go as planned or that your teeth are moving slowly than expected. Your dentist can work with you to evaluate your teeth’s alignment, provide new aligners, and restart your treatment.
Final thoughts:
Invisalign aligners won’t fit you correctly if you don’t wear them as prescribed, take them out correctly, use the chewable Invisalign products, and give them time to settle, eat, or brush your teeth while wearing them, among other things. You should visit the doctor if your Invisalign don’t fit properly at the earliest to avoid complex problems.