Anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS are the most effective compounds that are widely used to achieve bodybuilding goals. The original use of anabolic steroids was to treat several medical conditions, but now it is popular as a performance-enhancing drug.
Anabolic steroids contain both anabolic and androgenic properties, so they help users to build bigger muscle mass, reduce body fats, gain higher strength and improve overall performance.
AAS is considered as the most effective drug compared to others to gain significant muscle mass growth in very short durations. As beginner or novice users, this guide will give complete detail about anabolic steroids and their first cycle so that you can achieve maximum results with no or fewer side effects.
- What Are Anabolic Steroids?
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic variations of primary male sex hormone that naturally occur in the body called testosterone. Testosterone hormones change various male characteristics such as deepening voice, facial and body hair growth and many more. They are responsible for various growth and muscle mass development in the body.
So, it is pretty clear that if you want to bulk up or build muscle mass, anabolic steroids are an effective supplement. It can boost muscle mass growth, provide quick recovery rates from injuries, and increase your workouts’ intensity.
These drugs are also effective to improve overall athletic performance and help them to win several competitions.
Anabolic steroids boost the red blood cell production in the body and increase the flow of oxygen going into muscles. The correct dosing and recommended steroids cycle helps you to achieve your bodybuilding goals.
So, always buy anabolic steroids from the top reputable resources because many websites sell fake products that give zero outcome results.
- How Are Anabolic Steroids Taken?
You can get Anabolic steroids in two different forms available in the market:
(i) Oral anabolic steroids
(ii) Injectable anabolic steroids
People can consume oral anabolic steroids by mouth or inject them directly into the muscles. People who have a fear of using needles can take anabolic steroids pills or tablets.
Many people believe that all oral steroids are liver toxic, but that’s not true many injectable steroids are also liver toxic. So, when you use liver toxic steroids, whether it is oral or injectable, you must have to use liver protection such as LIV-52 or Samarin 140 during the steroids cycle.
People can take anabolic steroids in four different methods:
(i) Cycling: Cycling is the time duration that users can follow to intake anabolic steroids with the recommended dosages.
(ii) Stacking: People can combine two or more anabolic steroids together to get more effective and impressive results.
(iii) On/Off Methods: People can consume anabolic steroids during the on or off-seasons.
(iv) Increment Methods: People can start steroids with the lowest dose and increase them gradually based on individual requirements.
- How Long Anabolic Steroid Cycle Can I Perform?
Anabolic steroids cycle depends on the steroid which you are using. The typical steroids cycle is for 8 to 10 weeks. It can vary according to the steroid that you use. For example,
- Dianabol steroid cycle is for four to six weeks.
- Deca Durabolin steroid cycle is for twelve to sixteen weeks.
- The Winstrol steroid cycle is for six to eight weeks.
- The testosterone steroid cycle is for eight to ten weeks.
- Anavar steroid cycle is for six to eight weeks.
- Anadrol steroids cycle for four to six weeks.
So, your steroid’s cycle duration will vary based on your steroid compounds. Remember, long-term use of anabolic steroids is not good for your health, and it may cause various side effects.
- How Can I Set My Anabolic Steroids Cycle?
The first step before planning your steroid cycle you have to decide your personal goal. Anabolic steroids can be used for various purposes, including bulking, cutting and strength gain.
Once you decide your goal, you can select the best steroids cycle based on that. If you are using an anabolic steroid for bulking up, you can use the below mentioned anabolic steroids:
- Testosterone
- Dianabol
- Deca Durabolin
- Anadrol
- Trenbolone
And if you want to use anabolic steroids for the cutting phase, you can use the below mentioned anabolic steroids:
- Winstrol
- Anavar
- Turniabol
- Primobolan
- Boldenone
- Cytomel T3
- Clenbuterol
When you are using anabolic steroids for strength gains, you can use:
- Anavar
- Halotestin
- Anadrol
- Trenbolone
- Testosterone
Remember, the correct stacking and the right and recommended steroid dosage help you to achieve maximum results in terms of bodybuilding. If you are a beginner or novice user and not sure about your first steroids cycle, then kindly take advice from free anabolic steroids ( from our professionals.
According to your goals, they will guide you to the best anabolic steroids cycle and recommend you the perfect dosing to achieve the maximum effects and no or fewer side effects.
- Does PCT Always Need To Follow After Steroids Cycle?
This is the most common mistake that most beginner users will make. They are not aware of the importance of post-cycle therapy, so they don’t perform the PCT cycle after their first steroids cycle, and finally, they end up with various negative side effects and lose their hard-earned gains.
It is necessary to perform the post-cycle therapy with different SERM drugs like Nolvadex and Clomid. Sometimes if you have performed a heavy steroid cycle, you can also use HCG drugs.
A good PCT cycle helps users to maintain their gain and also helps them to counteract all the possible side effects of anabolic steroids.
Anabolic steroids usage may suppress or shut down the natural testosterone production in the body and cause various lower testosterone symptoms.
So, when you perform the PCT cycle after the anabolic steroids cycle, it will boost the natural testosterone production in the body and bring the body back to its normal levels as it was before.
- Who Can Not Use Anabolic Steroids?
Anabolic steroids come with different pros and cons. Many people are afraid to take them because it may cause various severe side effects. But anabolic steroids are not that much complicated to use if you intake them properly with the recommended dosage.
Before performing an anabolic steroids cycle, you have to understand them properly and get the perfect dosing and cycle duration information so that you can achieve maximum results and fewer side effects.
Anabolic steroids are not recommended for people:
- Who are younger than 21 years old.
- Who has liver or kidney problems?
- Who has heart disease.
- Who have severe pre-medical history
- Who is suffering from any severe diseases
- Not advisable for children.
- Not advisable for pregnant ladies.
Before taking an anabolic steroids cycle, consult your doctor and make sure that your body is well enough to tolerate them.
Note: Females users can only use mild anabolic steroids such as Anavar, Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Primobolan and Boldenone.
- Conclusion
For every novice user, it is advisable to get a complete understanding and detailed information regarding the anabolic steroids that they are going to use. Because random use and wrong doses of anabolic steroids may cause various negative side effects.
A proper diet, nutrition, and training workout session also play a vital role in getting effective results and anabolic steroids.
Many websites nowadays sell counterfeit anabolic steroids or legal alternative steroids to do marketing scams. So, never buy them, and they only waste your time and money and cause various health issues.
Always find the top most resources like because only original and high-quality products will help you to achieve desirable results.