After giving birth, the body needs time to recover fully. Therefore, it is not recommended for mothers to immediately follow a strict diet or exercise to lose weight after giving birth. The best time to do this is when the body has completely recovered. Diet also must be maintained, so that nutritional needs are not disturbed.
The body needs time to recover after an illness or even after giving birth to a baby. Therefore, from a medical point of view, it is not recommended for mothers to immediately go on a strict diet that aims to lose weight after giving birth.
Some mothers hope to lose weight after giving birth. Losing weight after childbirth is possible to achieve, of course, safely. For example, breastfeeding a baby, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.
The most reasonable time for mothers to start implementing how to lose weight after giving birth, a healthy diet, and start light exercise is after the mother begins to feel fit. Postpartum examinations are usually performed three days to six weeks after delivery. This is when the mother should discuss with the doctor the right time and way to lose weight.
Tips to Lose Weight After Childbirth
Changes in weight during and after pregnancy can have significant lasting health effects for many women. Therefore, losing weight after childbirth can reduce the risk of long-term weight gain and obesity.
Here are some tips for losing weight after giving birth:
Continue Breastfeeding Baby
If possible, continue to breastfeed the baby. The reason, breastfeeding can help weight loss and help the uterus contract. Breastfeeding the baby can help the mother lose weight after delivery. Mothers who breastfeed exclusively for at least three months will lose 1.5 kilograms of body weight.
Not only beneficial for the baby, but breastfeeding is also beneficial for the baby, such as reducing the risk of diabetes, ovarian cancer, and some types of breast cancer.
Don’t Miss Meals
People need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, so they need to eat fewer calories than they burn. People can achieve a calorie deficit by increasing physical activity and reducing the number of calories they consume.
Consumption of High Protein Foods
Healthy protein can reduce hunger, reduce calorie intake, and promote weight loss.
The body uses more energy to digest protein than other types of food, and the body automatically uses 20 to 30 percent of the calories in protein during digestion.
Consumption of High-Fiber Foods
Fiber-rich foods can increase the breakdown of fat, especially around the stomach. Dietary fiber refers to the parts of plants that cannot be digested easily by the body. As fiber travels through the digestive system, it absorbs water, promoting gut health.
Since the body can’t break down fiber, these carbohydrates can keep people feeling full longer without adding extra calories.
Physical activity, in addition to a balanced diet, can help promote weightloss after pregnancy. Recommends physical activity in all phases of life, including during and after pregnancy.
Women can gradually return to exercise after pregnancy as soon as they can do the activity and as long as they don’t develop any medical complications. If a woman has had a cesarean delivery, her doctor will tell her when and how to resume safe physical activity.
Those are some ways to lose weight after giving birth. Good luck!