If your budget and resources are tight, you must consider ways to conserve your Cannabis to make it last longer. Luckily, there are numerous ways to stretch out your stash until your next dispensary visit. All you need to do is be intelligent, patient, disciplined & use cannabis storage jars.
In this guide, we have compiled all of the ways that cannabis packaging companies swear would help extend the life of your Cannabis. So, keep reading to learn how to conserve your greens, Cannabis, and cash.
Buy in Bulk and Distribute It Evenly
This might seem counterintuitive since you are spending and buying more greens, but it works since buying in bulk helps your stash last longer. Buying premium flowers will also be worth the money since they last longer. Hence, buy your stash in bulk and break it up into smaller pieces each day.
All of this can help you save in the long term since you are not going to the dispensary to buy more Cannabis. This technique works so long as you are not a rookie with no self-control and don’t mind smoking the same strain for a while.
Vape Instead of Smoking Blunts or Joints
Smoking a vape gives you more high than a blunt or joint without using as much Cannabis. Vapes carry technology that helps convert more THC than blunts or joints do. Most of the THC gets lost in the air through these smoking mechanisms. However, that is not the case with vaping. If you enjoy the act of smoking weed, then consider rolling a smaller joint.
Avoid Sharing with Others
While the whole mission of cannabis culture is to bring people together, you must understand that the best way to conserve your cannabis stash is to avoid sharing. Cannabis can be pricey, and if you want to save money and your stash, you have to start using your own and not sharing it with other people. When sharing, you will need to roll up an enormous joint and use more of your Cannabis. This will ultimately lead to it being used up quickly.
Store in an Airtight Cannabis Glass Jar
It goes without saying that the best way to conserve your Cannabis is to store it in a specific cannabis storage jar rather than just a plain plastic bag. Moisture, excessive light, and heat can all have detrimental impacts on your Cannabis and make them deteriorate faster. Unfortunately, plastic bags aid in this deterioration.
If you are buying your stash in bulk, you need to pay special attention to how you store it because you don’t want your Cannabis to lose its freshness swiftly. You should buy an airtight glass jar from a specific company that provides packaging for cannabis products. This will give you the best chance at conserving your stash.
You should also store this jar in a cool, dark, and dry place. This can be a refrigerator, cabinet, or drawer.
Look for Ways to Intensify the High
Did you know that particular food can actually intensify the high from Cannabis and make it last longer? You should consider pairing your cannabis vape or joint with a cup of espresso, which can extend the life of the high.
Alternatively, you can follow up your cannabis intake with foods like mangoes and dark chocolate. This will get you higher without smoking more Cannabis. Even lemongrass and turmeric are known to break down the chemicals in the Cannabis slowly, leading to an intense and long-lasting high.
Use a Grinder
If you smoke at home, it would be wise to invest in a high-quality grinder. This will help you efficiently grind your Cannabis into smaller nugs and even collect kief. You can then ration the nugs and distribute them for each day. Similarly, you can use the kief to make edibles.
The fine grind of Cannabis also helps you enjoy a higher intensity of Cannabis. A grinder will not only help you extend the life of your Cannabis, but it will also help you make use of quite literally all of it.
Consume Less Cannabis
The most complicated way to save money and conserve your stash is to consume less of it. If you want to keep your greens, you have to use less of them. While it might be difficult, it is not impossible. For example, consider skipping out on smoking first thing in the morning. The morning hit might be great, but the impact you take after a long day is much better. See what works for you and cut down on your smoking.
Final Words
The most important takeaway from this article should be investing in proper cannabis packaging supplies. When you store your stash correctly, you can conserve the quantity and freshness.
Hence, consider supporting in a quality airtight jar for your Cannabis from Medlock. These are perfect for cannabis storage and use.