Are you a natural bodybuilder? If yes, then you will want to know what’s the best workout for a natural bodybuilder?
To answer this question, let’s first understand what is a natural bodybuilder?
A natural bodybuilder is someone who does not take any steroids or other artificial substances to enhance their physique and performance. They rely on their diet and exercise to build their muscles naturally.
Now that we know what is a natural bodybuilder, let’s go ahead and look at what is the best workout for them.
Best Non-Stim Pre Workout
Pre-workout supplements are a staple of the fitness community. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the most confusing things to navigate. The best pre-workout for natural bodybuilders will differ from one person to the next, making it difficult to find a supplement that works for you. Pre-workouts are very important in bodybuilding! Check out the best non stim pre workout powders for 2022.
Best Workout for A Natural Bodybuilder
The best workout for a natural bodybuilder is the one that produces results. Some prefer to go for high-volume workouts with low intensity, while others work out with low volume and high intensity. The truth is that both methods can be effective for building muscle and strength. The only difference is that one may deliver better results than the other in certain circumstances.
For example, high-volume workouts are typically better suited to beginners who want to build muscle mass quickly. They also tend to be more effective when used by people who have poor recovery abilities or who train at night. On the other hand, low-volume workout programs tend to deliver better results over longer periods — especially when combined with supplements such as protein powders and creatine monohydrate.
If you want a better idea of what type of workout program would be most effective for your goals, take a look at what some of the world’s biggest bodybuilders have been doing lately.
Best Workouts
The best workout for a natural bodybuilder is one that progresses in difficulty as your training age increases. This means that as you become more advanced, your workouts should get harder.
It’s important to note that the following workouts are designed for natural lifters. If you’re using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), you’ll likely need to adjust your programming to account for a higher exercise volume and intensity.
The following are the best workouts for natural bodybuilders:
5 days per week split routine – This is an excellent program for people who want a simple, yet effective workout plan. You’ll train each muscle group twice per week with three rest days between each workout day. This gives your muscles enough time to recover from the strain of heavy lifting but also keeps things interesting so you don’t get bored with the same routine over and over again.
3 days per week full-body split routine – This program is great if you’re pressed for time or just don’t want to spend too much time in the gym each day. It will still build muscle mass and strength at an incredibly fast rate thanks to its high volume approach, which involves training all major muscle groups in one session followed by one rest day before repeating the process.
My Opinion
I’m sure you’ve heard that to build muscle and burn fat, you should lift heavyweights. This is true. However, I find that most people are not training hard enough to incorporate heavyweights into their workouts. You need a proper trainer for better workouts. Iron Bodies & Minds is the best choice for sacramento bodybuilders.
In my opinion, there is no better workout than a combination of free weight compound movements and bodyweight exercises with proper form and intensity. Free weight exercises work for multiple muscle groups at once, whereas machines often only work for one isolated muscle group. Bodyweight exercises allow for a full range of motion which is important for injury prevention and long-term term joint health.