Having a dog as part of the family has provided health benefits. The affection, loyalty, and protection they provide have been scientifically proven good for human physical and emotional health.
Owning a dog has been shown to provide companionship as well as social support. Dogs can also play a role in encouraging human social interactions, while our own interactions with dogs have seen to have an effect on our feel-good hormone levels.
In addition, dog owners proved to be more active because of the need to walk the dog every day. Here are loads more benefits to owning a dog!
Decrease Loneliness
Various studies have shown that animal and human interaction and pet ownership can provide social support, reduce depression and loneliness, and increase social connections. The proven mental health benefits have led many health facilities to use pets as part of their treatment plans.
Many pet owners have reported being in a way better mental state after they got their pet and enjoyed the feeling of unconditional love.
In addition, dog owners also find it easy to meet other dog owners. Doggy playdates or dog parks are a great way to meet other dog owners and bond over your mutual loves of canines.
Improve Heart Health and Lower Cholesterol Level
Various research results show that owning a dog reduces the risk of death. The American Heart Association study results show that dog owners have a 33% increased chance of surviving a cardiac event at home following hospitalization.
The study results from observing 182,000 heart disease survivors and comparing those who have dogs or not. In addition, the bond between humans and dogs can reduce stress which is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. Dog owners had lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than those who didn’t own dogs.
Help Reduce Stress
Many studies confirm that spending even just a few minutes with your dog can significantly impact. Being close to dogs can increase the neurochemicals of happiness, lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. Spending time petting a dog for 10 minutes resulted in a significant decrease in cortisol levels or stress hormones. Having a dog at home has also relieved tension between married couples.
Researchers say interacting with dogs can increase oxytocin levels, which is sometimes called the love hormone. This hormone is associated with trust, empathy, relationship-building, or social bonding.
Many studies have also shown that dogs can reduce symptoms of depression. Pet therapy is proven to improve the cognitive function of patients with mental illness who have to undergo long-term treatment. Meanwhile, it can also increase social interaction in the elderly with dementia and reduce agitated behaviors in them.
Help to Lose Weight
Owning a dog is an excellent way for you to go for a walk every day. In addition, you can enjoy other activities like running, hiking, kayaking, and biking with your pooch.
Having a dog means you’re ready for daily walks and other activities to keep your dogs active and healthy and at the same time, keep yourself in the pink of health.
Not only will you enjoy a greater sense of well-being and cardiovascular health, but you’ll also get to enjoy the great outdoors with your best buddy. That’s what you’d call a win-win!
Lower Risk of Allergies
Cats and dogs can reduce the risk of children developing pet allergies, and has shown to help children develop a stronger immune system.
In addition, some studies have shown that the more dogs or cats you have around your infant, the lower the potential for the infant to have allergies such as eczema, hay fever, and asthma.
Pets offer us more than just companionship – they can also have a positive impact on our health. From lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels to giving us a good incentive to go for a daily walk, they have numerous health benefits in addition to the pure enjoyment of having them around!
Pets can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, and they have even been shown to improve mental health in people with depression or loneliness. So, if you’re looking for a way to boost your health, consider getting a furry friend. Just make sure you’re prepared to take on the responsibility of pet ownership first!